Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to Handle a Dental Emergency!

Dental emergencies can happen at the worst times!  Everyone knows accidents happen, but it’s how you react after they happen which can be the difference between saving and losing a tooth.  Below is the list of different dental emergencies and how to handle them!

Bitten Lip or Tongue
After cleaning the area with a clean cloth, apply cold to reduce swelling.

Broken Tooth
 Rinse your mouth to clean the area.  After rising, use cold to keep the area from swelling.  It’s very important to call your dentist ASAP.

Knocked Out Tooth
Holding the tooth by the crown (avoid the roots), rinse it off in warm water.  Do not try to scrub anything off the tooth.  If possible, try and gently insert the tooth back into the socket.  If not possible, put the tooth in a cup of milk and call your dentist ASAP.

Rinse your mouth with warm water.  Gently floss the area surrounding the tooth, making sure nothing it stuck between it.  Don’t put any aspirin on other medicine on the area.  If the pain doesn’t subside, call your dentist for an appointment.

Visit the American Dental Association’s website,, for more dental emergencies and effective treatments.

If you come across an emergency, don’t hesitant to call us at either of our locations (313) 908-5110 or (734) 365-7720.  Remember to LIKE our Facebook page for more dental information and updates!

1 comment:

  1. After cleaning the area with a clean cloth, apply cold to reduce swelling.locksmith kole indy
