Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays from All Brite Dental!

All Brite Dental would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday Season, from our family to yours!

Please remember to LIKE our Facebook page and FOLLOW us on Twitter (@AllBriteDental) for more information and updates!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Protecting your Teeth from Harmful Holiday Treats!

With all the parties and events this holiday season it’s hard to maintain a balanced healthy diet, especially with all those goodies and sweets.  You don’t have to say no to those delicious treats if you maintain your oral health hygiene.  Here are a few tips to keep in mind this season…
  • Avoiding hard, sticky, and chewy treats, they can easily damage a tooth or obstruct past dental work.
  • When drinking (other than water), a straw will help reduce the acids that may stick to your teeth.
  • Once done with the drink, chewing on the ice is a no-no.  Chewing on hard ice can potentially help break a tooth or disrupt crowns and fillings. 
  • It’s best to wait a few hours between eating, letting your saliva build back up to counteract acid.
  • After eating something acidic or sugary, rinse out your mouth to prevent an attack on your teeth.  This will save you dental problems in the future. 

These simple tips will help you maintain healthy oral hygiene this holiday season.  This time of the year only comes one time a year, so avoid a toothache and enjoy your holidays!  

Happy Holidays from All Brite Dental!

For more information and updates visit our Facebook page Linked HERE!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

8 Bad Brushing Habits that Harm your Teeth!

Protecting your teeth should be a twice a day habit, but sometimes certain brushing habits can actually hurt teeth. 

By now everyone knows the most important reasons to brush your teeth:  fighting off cavities and preventing bad breathe!  But do you know that brushing the wrong way can actually make you more vulnerable to cavities, tooth decay and gum disease?

Here’s a few common mistake made when brushing that are easily fixed:

Not Brushing for Long Enough
On average, dentists recommend brushing for two to three minutes every morning and night.  Next time you’re brushing, time yourself to see if you’re close to the average.  I bet not!  Whether is morning or night, it’s best to take the extra time and finish the job.

Brushing too Hard is Bad
Tip: If you notice blood in your mouth after you brush, you may be brushing too hard.

Not Paying Attention to What You’re Doing
Do you just brush your teeth just to do it?  It’s a good idea to set up a plan for the next time you brush.  For example, start on the right side of your mouth; first do the top then the bottom.  Next, move to the left side of your mouth; first do the top then the bottom.  This way you know for sure you’ve hit every possible section of teeth.  Remember, plaque, tartar, and bacteria are usually found in the hidden areas of your mouth.  It’s best to work hard in the hard to reach areas before you finish brushing.

Bad Technique
Most people tend to brush in a straight line back and forth over their teeth.  This is effective for the outsider layer of teeth, but you may be missing spots inside areas between teeth.  Focus on specific teeth, moving the brushes in and out of each small space ensuring maximum reach.

Different Brushes make a Difference
Dentists have recommended soft or ultra-soft brushes to minimize abrasive irritation.  Leaving your tooth brush out can leave it susceptible to germs.  It’s important to rinse your tooth brush in hot water after every use.

Which Toothpaste do you Use?
Baking soda based toothpastes are great at brushing away stains on the tooth, but may be hard on enamel.  Whitening toothpastes are another option that works well for both protecting and whitening teeth.

Flossing is Important
Flossing is meant to get to the areas between your teeth that a tooth brush can’t reach.  Most cavities are formed in the spots that are least visible due to plaque buildup.  Just like brushing it’s best to set up a plan of action!  For example, start on the top left portion of your mouth.  Go through every tooth on the top row from left to right.  After you complete the top repeat the same method on the bottom.  This is a simple five minute a day activities that will save you future time and pain at the dentist. 

Rising is the Last Step
Rising is the last and final key step to maintaining healthy teeth.  Rising will wash about all toothpaste and plaque that was scrubbed off your teeth.  Also, a quick swish with germ-killing mouthwash will kill all remaining germs. 

For more interesting information and updates visit our Facebook page Linked HERE!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

All Brite Dental Video Testimonials!

All Brite Dental is committed to providing great family dental care.  With each patient, we strive to enhance the experience to ensure a comfortable and positive environment.  At All Brite Dental we use a 4 step teeth cleaning process, whereas most dentists only use 2 or 3 steps.  The overall goal of teeth cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar, smooth and shine your teeth, and prevent potential oral health problems.  The 4 step process includes:  Laser Gum Cleaning, Ultrasonic Cleaning, Hand Instruments, and Polish.  Our team is dedicated to providing each patient with personalized care and service to make each visit a positive experience.  Here’s a collection of video testimonials by some of our patients!

Let us know how you feel about All Brite Dental on our Facebook page Linked HERE!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12/12/12!

12/12/12 is the last major numerical date using the Gregorian or Christian calendar for almost another century!  Although December 21, the Mayan calendar predicted doomsday, has been the talk of this December, December 12 is getting some attention too.  

Here are a few interesting facts about December 12, 2012 or 12/12/12:
  • 12/12/12 is the last repeating numerical date until January 1, 2101 or 01/01/01.
  • Time will hit SIX repeats at 12:12:12 p.m. on 12/12/12.
  • At the precise second 1:21:02 a.m. the date-time combination will read the same forwards and backwards:  2012-12-12 1:21:02 = 201212-1-212102.
  • Dec. 12 has had some of the greatest artists born.  “Madame Bovary” author Gustave Flaubert (1821), Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863), singer Frank Sinatra (1915), abstract expressionist Helen Frankenthaler (1928), San-Jose seeking Dionne Warwick (1940), jazz drummer Tony Williams (1945).

In addition, Dec. 12 is National Ambrosia Day.  Once known as the food of the gods, now known as fruit combined with Cool Whip, also, sweetened coconuts, maraschino cherries, and mini-marshmallows.
Enjoy your last repeating day for some time!!  For more information and updates visit our Facebook page Linked HERE!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

All Brite Dental Cleaning & Prevention

At All Brite Dental we are committed to offering you the best care by listening, respecting, and educating you, without judgment.  With each visit we will gently take you through your treatment to ensure that you experience a comfortable environment. 
Dental Prevention is a daily occurrence that starts at home.  Good oral hygiene and a balanced diet are great practices to maintain your dental health, along with regular dental exams, cleanings and x-rays.  The goal of Dental Prevention is to maintain a healthy, strong, stunning smile.  Below is a list of different dental prevention methods we offer:
Oral Cancer Screening
Gum Disease Evaluation
Tooth Decay Evaluation
Restore Existing work
Removal of Calculus and Plaque
Laser Gum Cleaning
Teeth Polishing
Dental X-rays will allow our dentists to determine any internal tooth issues not visible during a dental exam.  Dental X-rays will allow us to detect possible dental problems such as:  Abscessed or cysts, Bone loss, Decay between teeth, Abnormalities, Poor tooth/root position, and Internal tooth issues.
Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay by building a wall between the tooth and acid from plaque and sugars in the mouth. 
Sealants are a thin, plastic layering that coats mainly surface molars, and any deep grooves.  This procedure will prevent tooth decaying plaque from entering into the large grooves.
Home dental care is important everyday activities that will help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile!  The main tasks that are recommended include:  Tooth Brushing twice a day, Flossing twice a day, and rinsing throughout the day.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment online or over the phone!  For more information, updates, and health tips visit our Facebook page Linked HERE!