Friday, March 22, 2013

Should You Choose a Manual or Electric Toothbrush?


Pros for a Manual Toothbrush:
•    Inexpensive compared to electric brushes.
•    Easy to use.
•    Easy to travel with, including compact options.
•    Puts less pressure on your teeth and gums.
•    Simple for children to use.

Pros for an Electric Toothbrush:
•    Less work to do (great for people with arthritis or limited upper body mobility)
•    Can include extra features such as pressure sensors or timers.
•    Rotating bristles can clean your teeth in a way that a manual brush could never do.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and replace/change the head of an electric toothbrush every three months or when the bristles are no longer straight. Whichever comes first! For more information, check out the rest of the article here.

Tell us which type of toothbrush you prefer on our Facebook page, Linked Here!