Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Tool Allows Babies to Mop the Floor While Crawling!

Multitasking has become an essential part of American life.  Everyone is always moving a mile a minute and has much to do with a little time.  Parents tend to give their children chores to help get things done around the house. Now, with this new tool, your child can never be too young to start their chores!

A US company is combining babies with mops so that babies can polish the floor as they learn to craw and play! Website is hoping to see profits with its new invention, which is called the Baby Mop.  This product was inspired by a Japanese spoof, and promises to teach your baby a strong work ethic at an early stage in their lives.  This product encourages the baby to get a little exercise, burn some energy and do some muscle toning that will ultimately lead to a better more sound sleep.  

The idea came from a Japanese commercial that was submitted as part of ridiculous inventions contest, but never actually produced or sold.  The idea seems to be catching on after selling 100 units in just one month since adding it to the page.  The site has received a lot of positive feedback about the product, but has also received some negative feedback directed at the idea and concept of the product. 

Overall it seems to be catching on and could be a very popular new item! Would you ever think about buying this product for your baby? Let us know on our Facebook page! 

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